My First Lab Scientist Kit

My First Lab is dedicated to fun introductions to STEM. Our Scientist Kit contains everything you need to perform over 50 fun experiments, whether in the classroom or at home. Learn about air pressure by crushing a can, or learn how to grow a culture of your own bacteria. Learn about the pH scale by testing acids and bases, or have fun learning about electricity and magnetism. This kit includes an experiment book and all the supplies needed for dozens of fun, hands-on learning experiments. 

Accessory Kit

  • 1. Bag of Styrofoam Packing Peanuts
  • 2. Petri Dishes
  • 3. Knife Switcher
  • 4. Lamp Holder with a Bulb
  • 5. Ruler
  • 6. String
  • 7. 12 Glass Microscope Slides
  • 8. Cover Glass
  • 9. Concavity Slides
  • 10. Plastic Forceps
  • 11. Plastic Transfer Pipet
  • 12. 2 Swabs
  • 13. Balloons
  • 14. Test Tube Clamps
  • 15. pH Paper
  • 16. Chicken Broth Packet
  • 17. Gelatin Packet
  • 18. Flat Wooden Stick
  • 19. Thermometer
  • 20. Test Tubes
  • 21. Comb
  • 22. Glass Eyedropper
  • 23. 6 Hole Spotting Plate
  • 24. Chalk